Wow - first post in almost a week?
Sorry, time flies...
As a matter of fact, I have been quite busy on several fronts.
First, last week was Holy week (just in case you happen to be a pagan or a pantheist or just live under a rock). Anyway, I attended the church of my choice a total of 10 times.
10 - ten ...TEN.
Not that I'm one of those who think that the more you go to church, the better your chances of being blessed by God...
But, ten church services in eight days? That's gotta be worth something.
Here's how it breaks down:
1 - Palm Sunday Service at my home church - Harris Chapel United Methodist Church.
2 - Monday Noon Service at Winchester First UMC (Baptist preacher?)
3 - Tuesday Noon Service WFUMC (UMC preacher this time - a woman! EGADS!)
4 - Wednesday Noon Service WFUMC (Episcopal preacher, uh.. rector. Or as my brother-in-law calls him, "the Rectum". Either way, he wore that exraordinarily uncomfortable looking "monkey suit".)
5 - Thursday Noon Service WFUMC (Presbyterian preacher... PUSA, not CPC. He wore the monkey suit too!)
Unfortunately, I missed my own pastor's message at WFUMC on Friday (no monkey suit).
As an aside, it takes approximately 2.3764 times longer to get your hair cut on Good Friday than on any other day of the year.
6 - Good Friday evening Service at HCUMC (my parents showed up?)
7 - Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at HCUMC (6:00 a.m.!)
8 - 8:30 a.m. Worship Service at HCUMC.
9 - Chapel Communion Service at HCUMC.
10 - 11:00 a.m. Worship Service at HCUMC.
Yep, that's ten. The way I see it, I could skip church for the next 2 and a half months and still not be behind...
Whadda ya mean, "It doesn't work that way."
More on my busy week later.
I've been up since sunrise...