Thursday, April 06, 2006

He's back...

Sorry that there have been no posts in a while, I've been busy. I've been finishing my early Greek readings, starting my late Greek and preparing a paper on Homer and Hesiod's conceptions of the ideal person.


Speaking of Greek writings, a few weeks ago, I wrote about some great Shakespearean insults. I was reminded of that while reading Euripides' The Bacchae. Near the beginning of the play, Teiresias is trying to convert Pentheus to Dionysianism. Pentheus remains obstinately opposed to this, when Teiresias utters these words to him:

Whenso a man of wisdom finds a good topic for argument, it is no difficult
matter to speak well; but thou, though possessing a glib tongue as if
endowed with sense, art yet devoid thereof in all thou sayest.

Ouch! I imagine Pentheus scratching his head and wondering, "What'd he say?" Then Cadmus steps out and yells, "Avaunt, Ho! He said you's a bloomin' idiot!".

Alas, mine honored friends, fair Euripides wrote not thusly.

Too bad.

Seriously, though, my studies have begun to affect my vocabulary. I almost used the word "whilst" this morning. Caught myself just in time. That would have been embarrassing!

Thou knowest such thine own self.


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