Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I finally did it...

After years of having some sort of facial hair, I shaved it all off. It was really nothing more than a whim. No thought or plan at all, I just looked in the mirror, picked up the razor and there ya go...
I had a beard for a while, but I decided there was too much gray in it so I just went with the mustache.

Then, I decided that, as a college student approaching the big 4-0, I ought to look a little more hip, so I did the atillio and the mustache for several months.

Lately, I've been trimming both very close and for some reason, I just decided to go "baby-faced" as Stacie says.

For the last few years, I thought that the facial hair made me look younger. I have some smile lines around my mouth and I thought the mustache made those less noticeable.

Apparently, I was wrong.

I have heard several comments along the lines of, "Wow, you look a lot younger clean shaven."

I may go with this look for a while...


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