More on the weekend.

We drove past the ever-present farmland of course...

On the way to the Swiss Pantry in Belvidere where they were having some kind of annual 'event'. The place was packed!
The Swiss Pantry is a organic/natural food place owned and operated by a group of local Mennonites. They have just about any kind of food item that is impossible to find at the local Kroger.

They also sell donuts and barbecue?
Here's the fam sampling the goodies.

I also saw a car I want: A fully restored mid to late '40's Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe:

On the way back to Winchester, we passed a not-so-authentic Mennonite 'driving' a horse-drawn wagon down the highway.

After some errands, we found ourselves on the other side of the county, passing the other major man-made lake in our area: Woods Reservoir:

Incredibly, even from this distance, the Cumberland plateau looms in the background.
We made it back home in time to catch some football highlights and have a nice family dinner together.
Unusally, I got in bed at a decent hour... and then didn't sleep well. I had a thousand thoughts racing through my mind. And as I struggled to sleep, I had the strangest mix of dreams and half-conscious thoughts: Koheleth and Robert Johnson having a conversation, me driving a Chevy through the Mississippi Delta long before I was born, Mennonites and Presbyterians attending church together, my wife becoming an ordained minister, my children all grown up with kids of their own...
Whatever all this means, it caused me to get out of bed in the wee hours of the morning and watch the sun rise while my family slept soundly.
At least I got some nice pix:

And as I watched the sky slowly brighten on World Communion Sunday, I thought of the billions of people all around the world - some already up and going about their day's business, some dying and some being born, some laughing and some crying in despair...
And some were still tucked tightly into their warm beds having crazy dreams of their own...
I love places like that pantry.
And that car is very cool!
Your writing and pictures transported me to a new place today. I quite enjoyed it. Thank you.
Blessings and joy.
Shirley Buxton
Susan, I do too! There's just something about bags of organic raw millet across the aisle from freshly made chocolate covered donuts that intrigues me...
And yes that car is way cool! Most of the pre-Bel Aire Deluxes you see nowadays are chopped, dropped and painted up with flames and all. Nothing wrong with that but it was nice to see one up close and personal just like it looked back in the day.
Shirley, thank you! Glad you liked. Your blog looks like something I will return to.
swiss pantry, that's not the old swiss colony store up in gruetli laager (on the plateau) is it.. i used to frequent there years ago
No Gavin, this is in the valley. Similar thing, I think, but I've not been to the colony store.
Oh Art, this is so strange! I read a humorous comment you made on Susan-as-herself's blog, and it brought me here.
Love the posts and pictures, but when I saw you were from Winchester TN, I nearly fell out of my chair.
My dad was born in Decherd, TN--both of his parents grew up in that area, and I recall the most wonderful summertime visits when I was a kid. We had loads of family there, and we always stayed at Frazzrand's (sp?) Motel cause they had a pool!
Can I just say that although I was born and raised in Ohio, I always felt I was meant to be a Tennessee girl.
What a small, small world!
Have a great day and take in the view around you for me! Kay
Wow, Kay, this is really an amazing coincidence. I love coincidences...
For those that don't know, Winchester and Decherd Tennessee are so so close together that they have literally grown into each other - there's an old joke about about a merger of the two towns - to be called Windex :)
I think the motel was called the Fraserand and it still exists (but was renamed years ago and the pool was filled in and paved over:(
Thank you so much for your visit and your comment. I wish I could see your profile and blog.
Check back soon for more pix...
Funny, I was so 'warned' about crazies on the internet when I first got my computer, I've never made a profile public. In the 2 years that I've opened up (commented to other people or chatted re: my interests) I can honestly say I've met the nicest people.
As for a blog of my own--I'm just exploring the idea. I have discovered that I love to write, but don't feel my everyday life warrants something that others would find of any interest--does that make sense?
You can bet I will check back often. Thanks, Art-I feel like coming here is a visit back to my family's roots.
Kay, there are some crazies in the blogosphere but most of us are crazy in completely harmless way:)
And no matter what you write about or what your interests are, you will find an audience. That's the beauty of blogging...
thanks for the encouragement--I'll keep pondering and maybe give it a shot.
Thanks for visiting my site.
Wish you every joy!
shirley Buxton
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