Saturday, May 13, 2006

In the news, part... whatever.

Funny - in this story, Andy Borowitz imagines Al Gore losing the '08 presidential election to a sleeping pill.

Sad - the Elitist Intelligensia who call on upon the First Amendment to protect everything from child pornography to making artwork out of human feces wants to deny that same freedom of speech to John McCain because they don't like his politics.

Telling - "W" thinks Jeb would make a great president. Trent Lott doesn't think so. HA!

Cool - Roger Waters is going on the road with a live version of Dark Side of the Moon. Too bad Gilmour's not involved in the project.

Frightening - the only realistic thing scarier to me than a Republican controlled Congress is the thought of a Democratically controlled congress. Where are the Christian Anarchists when we need them . Tolstoy, anyone?

And finally, Seven degrees of Bush - Quick, what connection does the president of the United States have to Harlyn Geronimo? Easy, the president's grandfather may have robbed the grave of Harlyn's great-grandfather. That's O.K. though, them injuns is jus' godless heathrens.


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