Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Checking in...

Just peeking in to say that I haven’t forgotten about me blog. I’ve just been busy. Things going on.

Such as finals week. And, as at midterm, my professor outdid herself. Here's just a small example:
"Suppose that instead of being executed, Socrates had been exiled to China.
There he would have encountered both Confucianists and Taoists. Which group
would he have found more congenial to his own way of thinking? Why would he not
have identified with the other group? Explain fully."

This is only one out of eight or nine questions available, four of which I can choose to answer. Hmmm... due Wednesday by midnight.

My lovely Supergirl thought somehow that all this was not enough on me so, in addition, she made me a "to do" list. I’ve almost got that finished though!

All I have left is "cure cancer", "end world hunger", and "create a lasting peace in the middle east".

In my spare time, I’m preparing a special post for my six month blog anniversary.

Yes, six months!

Time flies...

This is going to be good though. Trust me.



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