Looks like who? A contest.
At different points in my life, I've been told that I look like a certain celebrity.
(or three)
A comment last week from Supergirl somehow caused me to start thinking about this.
In the meantime, I rediscovered Morpher. What a cool toy!
So I decided to morph an image of each of the three celebrities I've been told I look like into one composite.
Here's the result (compared to a similar image of me). It's a little crude, but I really don't know much about this 'imaging' stuff:)

It's a bad pic of me too. Sorry. You would be surprised at how difficult is is to take a decent photograph of yourself.
As far as the resemblance goes, I see it in the forehead area, the cheekbones, the mouth and chin. The biggest similarity that I see among the four of us is the concave 'divot' between the nose and the upper lip. But the eyes and nose are way different and I have retained some chubbiness in the jawline from my 'fat' days that my celebrity friends do not have (and that just will not go away).
One of the celebrities is somewhat obvious, another less so and the third is rather obscure.
Ha. Clever hint in there somewhere.
One Million U.S. dollars goes to the first person who can identify all three celebrities.
(Besides Supergirl - and I bet even she can't guess all three correctly)
This is all assuming I had a spare million to give.
Which I don't don't.
So don't try to claim your prize.
You'll never get all three anyway.
Any takers?
I replaced the goofy-looking pic of myself on this post with a somewhat less goofy-looking pic.
The fake million remains yours to claim:)
I don't know about all THREE, but I can guess one: Kiefer Sutherland.
My dear Susan got the obvious one! C'mon my other blog readers (all both of you), give it a try.
Um, NO. Wrong on all three.
Besides, Susan already got one correct.
Rodney Dangerfield??
Ok..I don't really remember the people from when you first did this and told me, but I'm guessing.. Kurt Russell, Kirk Douglas, and the obvious one is Keifer Sutherland. So, how'd I do?
You did just as well as Susan but much better than 'Psycho'.
I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea...
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