No Love
I promise, I don't go 'round just looking for things that hack me off, I just find them accidentally. But when I do find them I feel compelled to digitally capture and share them:

The sign is in front of an area tire and brake shop. I once bought tires from this guy and he seemed nice enough...
The implication of his sign makes me rethink that impression.
I wish I could add to his sign:
'No Understanding'
'No Empathy'
'No Care'
'No Customers'
I can only assume he means none o' them British Redcoats. Maybe you should tell him the Revolutionary War is indeed over, and he doesn't need to be scared anymore. Then offer him tea and crumpets.
Thank you, Susan, but I'm afraid it's not that innocently ignorant. Ignorant, yes, but not innocent. If my foreign language skills were not so rusty, I'd march in there and shout, "Sie, geehrter Herr, sind ein intoleranter Frömmler. Mai ächtet ein Band des Mexikaners eindringen Ihre privates und stehlen Ihre Frucht!"
Well, something to that effect, anyway.
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