What is it?
A friend recently took a week long trip to Colorado. He brought me this gift. I really appreciate the gesture, but I have no idea what this thing is or what it's for!

It's made of dark stone, probably granite, and it has a neat design in it. A fossil maybe? It's been shaped, polished and flattened on one side. It measures about 4 x 2 x 1 inches and fits comfortably in the palm of a largish thirty-something year old man.
The remainder of the fake prize money from my look-a-like contest will go to the person who can best decribe what this thing is.
I'm pretty sure that is a "worry stone."
I can't believe they are still making these---I had one as a kid. They were big in the 70's. Mine was more of a sandstone color.
They are meant to be held in your hand, just the way you said, and then you can rub on it with either your thumb or your other hand to ease stress and worry. Sometimes people carry it in a pocket or handbag, or sometimes they just keep it handy at home so they can use it while relaxing. My grandmother had one also. Her's was red.
Thnaks Susan. Never heard of that before. And that's what I love about blogging - it's so educational.
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