In a last minute decision (literally), I decided against taking a class this semester. That brings my excruciatingly slow progress toward my 'second' degree to a complete standstill. And I’m so close too. I’m actually a little bummed about it and I'm already second-guessing my decision. But it just didn’t make sense right now on so many levels that I decided to sit this one out. Maybe I can double up next semester and not be any worse off.
Alas, my ill-considered celebrity look-alike contest was a big disappointment. At least Susan and Supergirl guessed Kiefer Sutherland correctly. These two will split one third of the fake million in prize money:)
Apart from Mr. Sutherland, the correct answers are William Shatner and David Gilmour. Here we are all together:

Keep in mind I didn’t say I looked like any of them, only that I have been told I look like each of them at some point. Kiefer is, by far, the most common (try as I might, I'll never forget that lady in the urologist's office).
No more contests from me, though. Oh, wait, I just thought of an idea for another one...
Finally, after months of "why don't you's", "why didn't you's" and "You ought to's" in reference to my blogging, my lovely wife has started her own blog. She's just getting started, only one real post so far (other than that obligatory 'this is my first post' thingy), but it's a nice start.
Knowing her, I predict that either she will make just a few more posts, grow tired of blogging and move on to something else, or she will throw herself into this with all her energy and become the wildly popular anti-coulter darling of the blogosphere.
Wow! I have never won fake prize money before! Woohoo!
Susan, your fake check for $166,666.67 is 'in the mail'.
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