Tuesday, November 07, 2006

More Gay Confusion.

I got up early this morning in order to attend the Lectionary study with an interdenominational group of local ministers. It felt more like the middle of the night since I didn't get in bed until 2:00 a.m. but I needed some ideas.

And after that, I voted of course. Tad is off from school today so I took him with me again. They let the boy go into the voting contraption with me and I explained to him who I wanted to vote for and, in some cases, why. And I let him push the buttons for me. He even got his own 'I voted' sticker.

I love exercising my responsibility to vote and I'm glad my son is taking an interest in it as well. I just can't escape the feeling that everyone I voted for this time is going to lose.

Not to mention Amendment #1 - Pretty sure that one is going to pass. But it's a 'Yes' vote for the 'marriage amendment' and I know at least one niece person (who shall remain nameless) who voted 'No' thinking that they were voting against 'gay marriage'.

LOL! I love it!

My hope is that a lot of other Tennessee voters are equally confused!

It would be even better, though, if the voters could somehow become educated on what they're actually voting for (or against). It's a crazy idea, I know. But if they put that much thought into it, they might also put some thought into why this amendment is even on the ballot. They might then start to wonder how in the world it could possibly harm them if two men or two women desire to legally wed in this (or any other) state. And then they would vote correctly 'No'.

Nah - I'm holding out for confusion!

(By the way, Josh Tinley has some excellent thoughts on this subject)


At 4:36 PM , Blogger gavin richardson said...

i voted no on 1.. or did i vote yes against it! wait! i'm confused now!!..

i know one older gentlemen walked away unhappy and someone walked away without confirming their vote.. not sure what all that meant, but the only vote i cast that i really am passionate about is voting NO on number 1. i got that right. that's two of us

At 6:16 PM , Blogger Stace said...

As you took Tad, I took Shelby and as you know Shelby, had to explain about each vote. I won't say how I voted, other than to say my Daddy would be very proud of me! Oh, but of course I voted NO! on Ammendment #1. I'm afraid tho, that it will be defeated.

At 1:18 PM , Blogger Susan as Herself said...

I think it's hilarious that people who are so concerned about what other people (of ANY sexual orientation) do in the privacy of their own homes can't seem to figure out basic reading comprehension.

But I am easily entertained that way.

We had questions here too, but nothing about gay marriage. Ours were about healthcare and the minimum wage and the war in Iraq. Oooh, fun topics, all.

At 12:46 PM , Blogger Art said...

Yes, No - even Gavin seems confused. LOL!

Stacie - does this mean I can't call you 'Coulter Jr.' anymore? BaHaHaHa...

Susan - Very hillarious (in sort of a sad way). There must be a connection don't you think???


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