Goals for the day.
Short of time today so not much in the way of a blog post.
Just a few things I'll be working on:
1 - Begin the turkey-thawing process.
2 - Take out the trash.
3 - Pick up Daughter from school.
4 - Start no blog controversies.
And for no particular reason a photograph I took the other day and a poem it reminded me of:
Just a few things I'll be working on:
1 - Begin the turkey-thawing process.
2 - Take out the trash.
3 - Pick up Daughter from school.
4 - Start no blog controversies.
And for no particular reason a photograph I took the other day and a poem it reminded me of:

A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Trees - Joyce Kilmer
No blog controversies...what I am supposed to do for fun on this day off?
Love this poem and admire your ABOUT ME staccato style autobiography in your Blogger Profile. Pure poetry, my friend! I am sure I will come back here more often. Blessings!
I remember liking that poem as a kid, and that is a lovely picture!
Tree..surely a very power symbol of life...more powerful still of Love.Love,both rich and painful...both ecstacy and agony...meeting of the earth and sky, of the known and unknown, of the visible and invisible...the boundary that divides matter and consciousness, the boundary, of the lower and higher.Love is like a tree which has its roots in the earth and branches in the sky...a dual phenomenon, a rope that stretches between two polarities...earthly love; which is painful and divine love which is all joy.Yet without sucking the juices of the earthly love[roots] you cannot attain to the higher, the prayerful consciousness of being...that is the only path..the path of transformation...from roots in the earth, to branches that stretch their arms towards the sky...reaching out to the divinity...
LP, oh you probably listened to a bunch of really obscure psychobilly music or something:)
Paul, Thank you. I have received several positive comments on my blogger profile though I'm not sure why (laugh).
Susan, thanks. I've always liked that poem too. It's not a great example of poetic art but there's just something about it that touches me... The pic didn't quite come out as good as I wanted though.
Dizzy, your comments are always so thought-provoking. Thanks, but when will you have a new post I can comment on???
I will write as soon as I can.Work is very hectic as it is season time for us.& u know running a restaurant is no joke...
but it is amazing to see your blog so religiously updated.You seem so devoted, in whatever you do...That is an ART in itself...:-)
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