Thursday, September 21, 2006

Stop illegal immigration!

Some time ago, a group of illegal immigrants came to this land looking for a better life. They illegally trespassed on this land - a sovereign nation - and gleefully used whatever resources of this land they felt they needed or wanted.

As if that wasn't bad enough, these illegals then began to abuse the rightfully born people of this land. Some of these immigrants even turned out to be murderers and rapists...

And to pour salt on the wound they had already inflicted here, these immigrants attempted to set up an alternate government in opposition to 'our' natural and God-given right to rule this land.

At first, it didn't go over so well. Some of 'our' people took great offense at these activities and repelled the dirty intruders. But the intruders tried again and again and eventually gained a foothold. With some (like a lot of) help from back home, they eventually made a lasting impact on this land of 'ours' and began to systematically displace, imprison, enslave or even kill 'our' native people as they strove to set up their own way of government and impose their rule, religion and culture on 'us'.

Of course you probably realize by now that these events happened around four centuries ago. The land in question was, in fact, the land that the people we now call Americans live on. But the illegal immigrants I speak of were our very forefathers - figuratively if not literally.

The native peoples of 'our' land have been virtually eliminated from the landscape now, and us 'illegals' took over long ago, becoming 'legal' in the process.

And it is at this late date that many of us rightful Americans, the descendents of those original illegal aliens, seethingly and vehemently seek to repel anyone who comes to these shores looking, speaking, sounding, or smelling a little differently.

And many will say, "I don't mind people coming here as long as they are 'legal'".

Many of those people are LYING.

I have heard folks say that we ought to deport people who look or sound different than we do. I have heard some say that we ought to shoot those who cross our borders. I even heard a seemingly nice young lady say that we should bomb the $#!# out of that country because they are 'sending us all their trash'.

I have to ask, why are 'they' coming here? Would you want to go to a foreign country, a foreign culture, not knowing the language or the customs just to get a sub-minimum wage job consisting of back-breaking labor - with no benefits and no promise of a meaningful future?

Well, yes you would. You would do it in a heartbeat if things were ten times as bad in your own country. You would do it if you lived in a garbage dump. You would do it if your children were starving. You would do it if you had no hope...

For the record, I think illegal immigration is a bad thing and I firmly believe that we ought to do everything in our power to stop it.

That doesn't mean I think we should shoot people or bomb people or deport people.

I think that we should aide Mexico in any and every way we can to improve their infrastructure, their job market and their economy. We should expand the paltry trade agreements we have with them and pour the money we now spend on waging ill-conceived wars half way around the globe into educating the children in our own backyard.

If we were to do these neighborly and Christian things, maybe there wouldn't be so many of 'them' coming 'over here' !

And if we really wanted to reduce illegal immigration, we wouldn't talk about shooting people or putting up fences to keep them out. If we were really serious about this, we would be tearing down the fences that already exist. We would be giving them a helping hand as they crossed the border to look for jobs that no self-respecting American is willing to do.

If we were really serious about reducing illegal immigration, we would make it easier for folks to come here legally. But I really don't think most of us want that. We just don't want them here period!


Then again, what do I know? I'm just a descendent of a bunch of illegal immigrants!


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