Dating advice for married men...
In between the emails I got today telling me how to grow more hair or what pills to take for this or that, I saw an email that offered to help me be more successful with women:

Deadly mistakes???
Women like mean guys...
and guys who don't care what women think...
Thoughtless guys too...
We all know women hate men who buy them gifts...
or are emotionally honest.
Women of course love men who think they have it all figured out...
Women like ugly and poor men?
Control freaks - always popular!
And know-it-all types. Yes women love them.
And we all know women everywhere are going to fight over any guy who is desperate enough to click on the link that followed #10, pay their $49.95 and download the ebook chock full of even more well-considered advice on how to be successful with women.
Wow...I guess I got lucky when I met Mrs. LP. I kept attracting crazy ones before that. Seriously. CRAZY!
OK. The second I found out that a guy needed to GET HELP in order to attract me, I'd be gone like the wind. What the???
Yeah, LP, I got lucky with my wife too. Really lucky! And I have a couple of those serious crazies in my past... O.K. THREE crazies... too. The only one of them that I've seen in recent years is, well CRAZY. I mean in a clinical sort of way. She's going to a 'home' any day now! Wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to skip all the craziness and get right to the good stuff. Now that would sell!
Susan, you don't seem to be the type that would have trouble attracting men, but otherwise, EXACTLY! Yeah, if you think you might need this 'help', do us all a favor and choose another kind of 'help'.
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