Big weekend...
This weekend has been a hectic one for us;
First of all, Stacie and I were the parents of three, not just two children, from Friday evening until Saturday afternoon. Friend Kim went to an out-of-town business meeting so we kept Kimmy's daughter Megan for the night.
Stacie's niece, and Kim's house-mate Coye, dropped Megan off to meet me and the kids as we waited on Stace to get off work on Friday. We then went for pizza, a DVD rental and then back home for a night of, uh, excitement.
I've got to tell you, I love my kids, Megan is great, and I'm glad we could help Kim out, but having three kids in the house, even if for only 24 hours, makes me glad I had that procedure last year!
Saturday, I got up early, did some chores around the house, took off the trash and got back just in time to accompany all to meet Kim to reunite with Megan.
We met at the local hospital because my grandmother is there and we were going for a visit. I'm not sure what Ma-Ma's ailment is. My mom says it's nothing to worry about but I'm not so sure. She did not look good, she seemed weak and her breathing was labored. She's the only grandparent I have left so this is an emotional and disturbing situation for me.
After a short visit and hugs all around, we left to get groceries for the week. We had planned to smoke a chicken for dinner and since Stacie needed something to take for the covered dish dinner that will kick off HCUMC's revival on Sunday, we bought three.
In addition, we looked at computer printer ink cartridges since ours was out. What we discovered was that we could buy a new, low-end, printer - with cartridges - for less money than what it would take to replace the ink tanks in our ancient machine. Amazing. Yep, we bought the new printer.
So there we were back home, unloading groceries and preapring to smoke three whole birds, with me needing to get the van gassed up and put the finishing touches on my sermon for Sunday. In addition, I needed to call Jim and I had to get the new printer set up. I mean I really had to because I had never printed a speaking copy of my message...
Well, the printer's now set up, the sermon's printed, van's gassed up and supper was good. The two remaing birds are cooking now and it provided me with an opprtunity to instuct my children on what does and does not constitute 'barbeque'.
The kids, like my friend Mark, get confused because slow roasting a chicken or a piece of beef involves a very similar preparation and cooking method as barbeque. But barbeque is PORK and only pork, so we had a little cooking lesson this evening...
In addition to all this, just weeks after buying my new amp, the pickguard fell off my electric guitar, breaking two pickup wires:

Oh, for joy! Soldering will be in my near future.
On a happier front, my son, Tad, aged eight, who can't quite seem to keep his face clean,

can nevertheless discriminate between the various eras of Pink Floyd Music.
He got in the van with me today as 'Meddle' was playing and said matter of factly, 'The Floyd - before Dark side of the Moon.'
Yep, he was correct.
I'm going to get the birds out of the oven, look over the message one last time, take a shower and spend some quality time with my girl...
Hope you all have had a good weekend.
I, for two, am thanking God that you had that 'procedure'. Like you said, Megan was great, but 3 kids? NO THANKS!
Well, at least we know that if your 3rd child becomes apparent, I'm not to blame...
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