Saturday, August 05, 2006

Blessed be His name...

I read a lot of blogs. Some every day, some every once in a while and so on. One that I look at occasionally happens to be written by the current husband of one of my old gilrfriends. That's not the reason I read it by the way. I read it because it's funny. Unintentionally so, I would assume. He's far left of left but seems to think he represents the reasoned voice of middle America. He's wrong. This guy is so far out of the mainstream it is laughable. He is a yellow dog among yellow dogs. And I won't put an actual link here simply because I don't want to send this nut-job any traffic.

None of this is really worth mentioning except as an introduction to my actual topic. He wrote a post recently in which his kid asked about the national motto debate. The kid asked something like, "What's wrong with saying 'In God We Trust'?" Of course he immediately began to berate the child's common sense and logical approach and then related his attempt to indoctrinate the child into the world of secular leftist propaganda and brainwashing.

Here's the argument he made: Wouldn't it make the kid's Muslim friend feel bad to see "In God We Trust" on our money or whatnot since they worship "Allah" not "God".

This is a horribly flawed and quite ignorant argument.

First off, "God" is not God's name, it's what God is. Second "Allah" is not the name of the Muslim God any more than "God" is the name of the Judeo-Christian God. This argument would only be valid if we had the name of a specific deity (Christ, Vishnu) or prophet (Moses, Muhammed) in our motto. We don't. Insted, we use the general English designation for the Almighty - "God".

Obviously the guy doesn't know (or doesn't care that) "Allah" comes from the Arabic words "al" (meaning "the") and "'ilah" (meaning - you guessed it - "God"). Allah is God and God is Allah. As further proof, consider what native Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews call their God?

ALLAH! Of course they do, what else?

This makes Mr. Murfreesboro's argument completely nonsensical.

The really funny thing is, this is exactly the same flawed reasoning that the religious right uses in condemning Muslims to hell - they don't worship "God", they worship "Allah".

HA! Ol' Mike there has gone so far left he has inadvertantly aligned himself with the Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells of the world.

I told you his blog was funny.

It just goes to show you that the spectrum of political thought is not linear, it's circular. Extremists on the left and the right are closer to each other than they are to moderate thinkers of any political or religious persuasion.

Somehow, that is comforting to me.


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