Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bad, bad news...

While Mel Gibson desperately tries his hand at damage control, war continues to rage in the middle east.

I got into a discussion this morning with some folks about who's 'right' and who's 'wrong' in this conflict. Personally, I don't care who's 'side' you're on, innocent people, many of them children, are dying by the dozens and that's just plain wrong. I'm on the side of the killed, maimed and orphaned children. No one else seems to be.

As Jimmy Carter said, “War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.”

Amen, brother Carter, Amen. What a great ex-president he is.

The situation in the Mideast, though, has become so bad that Condoleezza Rice cancelled her scheduled trip to Lebanon. And people the world over are starting to view this as a proxy war between the U.S. and Iran.

Bad, bad news.


At 8:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Brother Carter? Great ex-President? Aren't you the same guy that said Carter was a blubbering idiot? Or something to that effect? Man, you're getting more and more liberal by the day...Good lord, what's next? Voting Democrat? My Daddy will be soo pleased! HA!

At 3:06 AM , Blogger Art said...

How easy it is to ridicule that which one cannot deny. No? In truth, I never said Carter was a 'blubbering idiot'. I have, on occasion, said that he was a terrible president and I stand by that. He was. But he is, and has been, our greatest EX - president. And I stand by that as well. You did actually read the post, didn't you?
It's great quote, though, because it is true. The folks who want to say that war is justified or necessary or unavoidable or whatnot skirt the issue of war being WRONG. Of course it is. Any attempt to explain it otherwise is just an attempt say 'might equals right' without hacking off a lot of liberals (like yourself).
Furthermore, I have voted Democrat - as have you. YOU'RE BROTHER FOR INSTANCE. Ring any bells? I've also voted Republican and Independent and, if the right person comes along, I will vote Anarchist, Barney Party or Punk Rock for Amerika. The party itself does not matter a whit. Read Washington's thoughts on this some time and you'll come to understand exactly how this country went wrong.
By the way, your daddy's pleased
with me because I love his daughter:)

At 10:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahem....yes, in fact, I did read your entire post. I would think you would know by now that I just like to pick at you...sheesh! And, um I think my Daddy is more than "pleased" with you, how many times have you heard him say he's only got one son-in-law? You're the favored one. Oh, and btw, I totally agreed with your post, the one that began this whole dialogue.

At 4:21 AM , Blogger Art said...

Thanks for your agreement, I do know that, and, in answer to your question, never (although I have heard it second-hand a few times).


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