Monday, July 24, 2006

Another busy weekend...

Of course.

The van is fixed, Stacie's car got serviced, Shelby's room is on its way to being normal again, part of the school supplies have been bought and VBS is over.


Speaking of VBS, I did end up portraying Jesus again. But only briefly - my main acting role was the prodigal son. I also helped out with crowd control and cooked the hamburgers and took a lot of pictures - which I may get around to uploading someday.

In the midst of all this, Jack called me into his office. Now Jack's a great guy and one of the best pastors in the world, but he is in a position of authority. I felt like I was going to the principle's office. I began to wonder if I had offended someone with my sometimes unconventional understanding of theology.

No, nothing like that. But he did have something very interesting to tell me. And come to think of it, I probably shouldn't even mention it yet. So I won't. Maybe in a few days...

In the meantime, Stacie, AKA Supergirl, AKA Volchic has become addicted to Yahoo Answers. Why anyone would want to engage in some frivolous activity like this I have no idea. She could be spending her time posting her thoughts on a blog instead. But she enjoys this and she's quite good at it - one of her anwers was the top pick in the Religion and Spirituality category.

She would be the redheaded avatar right under the original question. NEAT!

See ya!


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