Friday, July 21, 2006

Religious Liberals

This one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the internet. It's a pieced-together video of President Bush singing a karaoke version of U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday". Must be seen to be believed.

Even Stacie, the former would-be Anne Coulter Jr., found it hillarious.

After seeing the vid, she mentioned that she'd like to have the real SBS, since it's not on any of our U2 CD's. I'm a good husband, mostly, so I went out and bought her the 'War' CD.

We were listening to it in the uber-vehicle this afternoon. I commented that either U2 were way ahead of their time, or they were monumentally influential to popular music, or I'm just gettin' old - because this song does not sound dated at all and it's 23 years old!

Stacie said it is because of all three of those reasons, by the way.

Then she said something really profound: "It also speaks so strongly about the condition of this society and this world that the subjects this song addressed are still unsolved problems."


Wow. Sometimes, Stacie really amazes me. Would-be Anne Coulter Jr. no more. Hey, you live and you learn, right?

On a sorta related note (not really), I've been reading some new blogs. This isn't really anything new. I read hundreds of blogs. Some regularly, some daily, some once, shake my head and never go back.

But I've been looking at this one from a guy named Dwight (I won't hold that against him - he can't help it). It's called "A Religious Liberal Blog".

It's good.

My first reaction, though, upon reading 'religious liberal' was: THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE OF US?

Of course, intellectually, I know that there are, but it seems that the folks who get all the attention are the ones from the religious right or the secular left. Not to mention the fact that , around here, the average rank and pew churchgoer is about as far right as you can get.

Even in a mainline, progressive, socially conscious denomination like my own, (see sidebar), you find some extraordinarily backward and ignorant ideas.

It's enough to make you feel like crying. Literally.

For instance:

Someone asked me recently (in my role as pretend Bible expert) if there were 'polacks' back in Jesus' time.

No, I am not making that up.

I said, "Yes there were and Jesus didn't call them 'polacks'.

I couldn't think of anything else.

I'm glad that there are people like the anti-Anne coulter Jr., Stacie and blogger Dwight.

I just wish there were more of us!


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