Monday, July 17, 2006

In the news...

I guess I ended last week's posts on a bit of a downer. Sorry.

Here's a few things to cheer you up!

Democrats pulled an ad featuring flag-draped coffins. Something about a bipartisan uproar over the inappropriate use of the American flag in advertising. Call it 'Desecration' maybe?

A top Chinese Military man is coming to the U.S. for a visit. Maybe he'll defect. Hey, we could could send them Rumsfeld in return.

The NAACP has invited President Bush to its annual meeting. Again. Bush is the only recent president who has never spoken to the NAACP. He left a 'TBA' in his schedule just to fake them out.

A pro abortion / pro gay rights Republican presidential candidate in '08? Could be. Giuliani vs. Clinton maybe?

Peter Coors was arrested for driving under the influence. He says he only had one beer. I wonder what brand?

Finally, Eric Simonson has got his panties in a wad over a post on DailyKos. The offending post imagines a peaceful world without Israel in it. Simonson almost goes berserk over this and imagines a 'better' world without liberals in it. This reminds me of the protests against the song "Imagine" because it says there's no heaven. Actually it doesn't, it says imagine there's no heaven. Like the poster on DailyKos wrote: imagine a world without Israel. There's a big difference. Man, buy a dictionary or something.


At 2:28 PM , Blogger Art said...

Well, Bush went through with it and addressed the NAACP after all. I can admit when I'm wrong. The speech drew decicedly mixed reactions.


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