Think and exist...
You have, no doubt, noticed the subtle but important changes to my main page.
I now have a daily quote courtesy of
It's just an experiment, so we'll see how it works out.
I also added a link that that takes you to a random blog ala blogger's nav bar code. Please keep in mind that I have absolutely no control of (nor no idea of) what you will see if you click this link. It is a random blog after all. But I love doing this and you might too - you just never know what you'll find!
I also made a hasty revision to my 'about' page in accordance with Supergirl's wishes and I'll do a proper one soon.
There are also some changes to my blogger profile and some new buried links and such...
I'm also in the midst of trying to get my archives all straightened out. Bear with me while the links go all freaky for a few days and, I promise, it will all be good in the end.
Some day, this blog will be finished...
Nah, I knew you wouldn't fall for that!
In the meantime, I'm reconsidering the tone of my position on the 'flag desecration' debate.
No, I have not changed my basic position, but I have started to realize that my tone may have been too strident and combative for what I really wanted to say.
Personally, I would never desecrate a U.S. flag. For one thing, it's just too obvious. Fight bad ideas with words intead of actions and all that... It also hacks off a lot of people. Generally, that's not a good way to win people over to your way of thinking. It's sort of like telling people that they are going to hell if they don't don't attend your personal church. It may be what you believe in your heart, but there are not a lot of converts made with that kind of argument...
And I also have a lot of friends and relatives who have served, or are serving, in the military. It is not, nor was not, my intention to alienate or offend any of them. I admire and respect them for what they have done and are doing.
So I revised my post of June 28th somewhat. I toned down the name calling at least. I'm now willing to admit that Frenator Sist and others on the opposite side of this argument have some well-intentioned (even if logically flawed and purely politically motivated) ideals in mind.
I still think they're confusing the issue. Like I said, it is the tone of my position that I'm reconsidering, not the basic facts.
Just so we're clear on this this: I think flag desecration is a bad thing. But it shouldn't be a criminal offense... or a constitutional ammendment.
There are just an awful lot of other things that we should be directing our attention to at this time...
And, given enough time, I will tell you precisely what you should think about each and every one of them

what is it about you damn liberals? You just have have it both ways and then you want to go an critise everybody els for what thye think
Hmm.. the way I see it, it appears that Art here is not so much as having anything "both ways", but as a reastating of comments after reconsideration of the points or the tone of those points previously made. It occurs to me that a criticizing of our elected officials, who are supposed to "represent" us, is exactly what is needed! It's not a beauty contest where they prance around, pontificate about world peace, immigration, economics, or whatever the current topic is, smile, and wave to the crowd! We should be pissed off enough to motivate ourselves to join together, make a stand, and change the system. Get rid of labels, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican...this is what's polarizing America. Maybe a meeting of the minds is too much to ask this day and age. And besides, blogs are like tv channels, if you see something you don't like or disagree with, click the mouse, change the channel. Finito!
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