Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Has anyone had much experience with Bloglines?

Good experiences?

I think I'm giving up on them.

I opened an account a while back and at first I thought it was great. I put all the blogs that I read regularly in my feeds. I also subscribed to the entire Methodist Blogroll along with several news services and update thingys. They're all right there on the left side of my page and I can see if there have been recent posts or updates or no posts at all...

It would be, I thought, a great time-saver.

A couple of problems with this theory:

1 - Several sites and blogs I like to read do not have RSS syndication enabled so I need another way to view those.

2 - The updated staus isn't very accurate. Before I realized this, I missed some folks' posts and kept wondering what happened to them...

3 - It's actually caused me to read (or at least look at) some blogs that I probably wouldn't otherwise read. Those little numbers staring at me somehow compel me to click the feed...

OK, that was 3 - sue me. But what I've realized is that Bloglines has become a time waste to me not a time saver. I still go my favorites folder because of the blogs that don't have feeds and I still click some feeds that say zero new posts because Bloglines might be wrong. And besides, I now have the Methodist Blogroll on my site (without the little numbers calling my name)...

On top of all that, I'm now getting Internal Sever Errors when I update the Bloglines tree.

I mean, it's a great idea and all but in practice, it's just more trouble than it's worth.

Goodbye Bloglines.


At 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is beautiful! I'm linking you.

At 2:20 AM , Blogger Art said...

Thank you so much, Emma. Your blog looks nice too but I haven't had much time to read it...



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