Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Enough already!

The media continues to give a disproportionately huge amount of attention to Katherine Jefferts Schori's election as the presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.

What gives?

Apparently, everyone is now concerned that this development will further damage the U.S. Episcopal Church's relationship with Roman Catholics (who have no female clergy) and the remainder of the world wide Anglican Communion (most of which refuse to ordain female bishops). What these concerned Episcopalians are saying is this: "We believe in full equality and rights for women, but we don't want to offend those who do not."? Let's step back a moment and put this into context: imagine this same scenario, but instead of gender, it's race or national heritage ... Can you imagine the outrage. The uproar would be HUGE. Yet there are those who continue to worry about offending the conservatives of the various denominations simply because they are misogynists. Let 'em be offended.

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