I realize that thousands, if not millions, have already weighed in on this, but I just have to put in my two cent's worth:
Here's the rundown:
1 - Michael J. Fox recently appeared in an ad supporting the pro stem cell stance of a Democratic candidate in which his movements were jerky and uncontrolled due to the effects of his Parkinson's disease medications.
2 - Rush Limbaugh then ridiculed and mocked Fox as a partisan liar and faker claiming that he either exaggerated his movements or intentionally went off his meds to produce this effect for the aid of his liberal Democratic candidate.
3 - Limbaugh has been challenged on this by almost everyone. He then went on to make a half-hearted non-apology.
Here are the facts:
1 - Michael J. Fox supports and will appear in ads for any politcal candidate who supports stem-cell research. He is not partisan on this issue. A few years ago, he appeared in a very similar ad for Arlen Specter (a Republican).
2 - While Fox could have been exaggerating for effect (he is an actor after all), he most certainly did not go off his drugs to produce these symptoms. Parkinson's disease causes some tremors and shakiness, but ultimately it causes loss of mobility to the extent that in advanced cases a sufferer cannot move, and eventually cannot breathe, which results, of course, in death. It is the very drugs that Parkinson's victims take to combat this loss of mobility which cause the jerky movements seen in Fox's most recent ad.
3 - Limbaugh made an ass of himself (I mean even moreso than he already has) by physically aping Fox's painful movement on air while ignorantly calling him a liar. Then, when he was called on the carpet for it, said something like, "IF I was wrong, I am sorry."
Keith Olbermann thinks Rush is just jealous because Fox gets his drugs with a prescription. Ha!
So Art, tell us how you really feel about this fiasco.
O.K. then:
Do you even have to offer evidence that Rush Limbaugh is an idiot??? He has always done a good enough job of that himself!
This story, however, is appaling. I saw the video yesterday of him shaking and heard the clip of him calling out Fox, and all I could think of were words you would probably prefer me not to leave on your blog.
Um, yeah. Your words certainly go without saying...but I'm glad someone DID say them---I'm sure for about the gillionth time.
The strange part to me is how such an uncompromising moron is given any press time at all.
Thanks, guys. I just couldn't help myself...
I listened to him briefly after the fact, when he was called out about immitating fox he said he did it to show the people at home what Fox looked like on TV.
Hi CR. I might buy that if it had not been accompanied by all the other stuff...
susan as herself,
actually, i think it's because he is such an uncompromising moron that he gets so much media attention.
J. - you might just have a point there...
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